News & Resources

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Members News

Tribute to Elizabeth Sclater

A heartfelt tribute to Elizabeth Sclater, honoring her invaluable contributions to gender and age equality, written by Maciej Kucharczyk, Secretary General, on behalf of AGE...

Members NewsGood Practice

CEOMA accredits age-friendly companies in Spain

AGE Spanish member CEOMA has developed an accreditation scheme for age-friendly companies that commit to combating discrimination and exclusion in older age, for instance by...

Members News

A walk unites generations in Greece

On the occasion of the European Day of Solidarity between generations, AGE Greek member, ANTAMA organised a walk the unites generations on 28 April in the...

Members News

Art in the fight against ageism

Our member the Red Cross of Serbia is running a new EU-funded project against ageism: ‘Age Against The Machine’. Through an interactive and intergenerational approach,...

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