Dance is for Every Body | Watch the Video

Andrew Carroll, a former soloist with The Philadelphia Ballet and now a professor at the University of South Florida’s School of Dance, has produced the video “Dance for All Ages: Dance is for Every Body.” The video focuses on the importance of combating ageism and challenging stereotypes about older people. The inspiration for the video came […]
CEOMA accredits age-friendly companies in Spain

AGE Spanish member CEOMA has developed an accreditation scheme for age-friendly companies that commit to combating discrimination and exclusion in older age, for instance by addressing the needs of older people when designing products or services or supporting age diversity among their working forces. To get accredited, companies must undergo an assessment carried out by […] a German online portal to promote learning in old age is an internet portal of BAGSO – Federal Association of Senior Citizens’ Organisations and AGE’s member organisation in Germany. Created in 2017 with the support of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), the portal provides nationwide information and resources to promote learning and education in old age and […]
‘Road 67’ promotes job-carving and training for older jobseekers in Northern Belgium

The ‘Road 67’ is a ESF-funded project developed in Flanders (Northern Belgium) with the aim to reinclude jobseekers aged 50+ into the labour market. The project developed new tools and methodologies to get this target group back to work. It worked closely with employers to identify jobs for which no applicant can be found and […]
Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe – Comparative synthesis report

Social enterprises are businesses whose primary goal is to generate positive social impact. The can help pursue fair demographic, green and digital transitions, in delivering e.g. essential care services, providing job opportunities for disadvantaged groups, or addressing a wider range of societal challenges. Social entreprises exist in every European country, yet they are sometimes rather […]
Senior Coach, an Italian awareness campaign to promote social inclusion and participation in later life

Abitaresociale launched last December 2019 the ‘Senior Coach’, an awareness campaign on Instagram aimed at promoting an active and dynamic lifestyle among people over 50. The Senior Coach is a consultant and motivator who proposes ideas, suggestions and practical solutions to improve well-being by supporting an active ageing process among people over 50. Senior coach […]
UK insurance company provides targeted guidance for its 45+ workers

The UK insurer Aviva is launching this year its ‘mid-life MOT’, a new guidance scheme for its mid-life workers. The programme will help them review where they are today and reflect on their future expectations, covering 3 areas: career, wellbeing and finances. In particular it will serves three purposes: Review: Encourages employees to review their […]
Dutch collective ‘generation pact’ between older and younger workers
The Dutch unions FNV and CNV have concluded a collective agreement with the health care provider Fokus, which includes a ‘generation pact’ allowing for working hours to be transferred from older to newer employees, while safeguarding pension rights. This agreement enables workers within four years before their retirement to reduce their working hours by 20% […]
‘Les Compagnons dépanneurs’ promotes senior volunteering and supports disadvantaged persons in Belgium

Since several decades now, the Belgian non-for-profit assocation ‘Les Compagnons Déménageurs‘ have been offering support to disadvantaged persons across Belgium. A wide range of services are provided by more than 270 volunteers aged between 15 and 85: housing rehabilitation or repair support, such as painting and wallpapering or plumbing/electricity/carpentry work, and other services such as […]
Fit2work advises and supports on health problems at work

Fit2work is an Austrian initiative that supports long-term employment in line with the worker’s health needs. It provides free advisory services if your job is at risk because of health problems or if you have difficulty finding work. It is also aimed at people who have been / are in hospital for a long time […] an online platform for senior workers
To boost the employment of seniors in France, a new web platform has been created: The online service provides 66 employment categories split in three themes: jobs proposed by private individuals, jobs proposed by professional and seniors’ applications. The types of job offers are very wide: it ranges from child care to corporate counselling. […]
Free taxi service to polling station in France
A French taxi driver from the Côtes d’Armor region (Brittany) offers free taxi services to bring older people to the polling stations for the upcoming elections in France. Although it is possible for seniors to vote by proxy, this is not always simple and it requires asking a reliable person in one’s surrounding. Since the […]
Wooln, a knitwear brand employing retired women in New York

In New York, the online knitwear brand Wooln, created by two young French entrepreneurs, sells wollen clothes and accessories knitted by retired older women. The initiative helps older women to increase their old age income while using fair trade and ecological materials. Read more:
‘BuurtPensioen-Pens(i)onsQuartier’ fosters exchanges of neighborhood services in Belgium

Buurtpension / Pens(i)onsQuartier seeks to bring into contact older persons and persons with a disability in need of some assistance – e.g. for shopping, for a lift or for some emotional support – with persons willing to help others in their neighborhoods. The service is based on reciprocity: participants commit to bringing mutual assistance and […]
Locally funded driving classes for seniors

In France and Belgium, driving courses funded by municipalities or provinces are proposed to senior motorists over 65 willing to refresh or update their driving knowledge and practices. As they advance in age, some people may not feel so comfortable with driving. Road traffic has increased a lot over the last decades and car technology […]
‘Stadsdorpzuid’ supports active and independent ageing within communities in the Netherlands
Stadsdorpzuid (Town Village South) in the Netherlands is an open cooperative community in which members (from about 50+) are working together to promote active ageing and independent living in old age and foster social inclusion and solidarity within their community/neighborhood. The initiative was first started in 2010, based on the ideas and experiences of the […]
Seniors support seniors at Krakow Senior Center
Krakow Senior Center is based on the “Senior for Seniors” principle and aims to activating and integrating older people. The work of the Centre involves about 20 seniors around 7 work packages… 1.organizing and coordinating the activities of the center, 2.cooperation with media and promotion the center, 3. Cooperation with senior’s clubs, NGOs and parishes, […]
‘Eng Hand fir di Krank’: volunteering initiative to combat older people’s isolation in Luxemburg
The ‘Eng Hand fir di Krank’ project was launched in 2005 by the local Red Cross in order to challenge older people’s social exclusion and isolation, which concerns a quarter of the Luxembourgian population aged 75 and more. The concept is to train volunteers, who will afterwards spend some time, i.e. a few hours a […]