Retired Senior Volunteer Programme in London, UK

Created in 1988, the Retired Senior Volunteer Programme (RSVP) is part of the national charity CSV (Community Service Volunteers), the UK’s main volunteering association. RSVP aims to combat social isolation and the feeling of aimlessness among seniors while using their skills and knowledge for the benefit of the local community. The programme, led by volunteers, […]

New website supports silver economy in France

A new web portal dedicated to seniors’ employment and employment in the silver economy has been created in France. It serves as a platform aimed at facilitating contacts between recruiting companies, jobseekers and other actors willing to get involved. To access the portat: In addition to a this job dedicated website, a free and […]

Best Agers Lighthouses: Mentoring ageing strategies in Baltic companies

The Best Agers Lighthouses Project is bringing together partners from the whole Baltic Sea region in order to support the employment of older workers in small and medium-sized companies through Local Age Management Partnerships. The project presented its first results in Brussels on 13 May 2014. The project is run by a number of regional […]

‘MC² Experience @ Work’ supports employment of 50+ workers in Belgium

‘MC² Experience @ Work’ is a social innovation project, initiated and driven by HazelHeartwood, with the support of large partners, which allows the temporary exchange of experienced employees on the basis of co-sourcing between companies. The objective of the project is to reconcile two conflicting tendencies: large companies tend to promote early retirement, while at […]

Belgian Professional Experience Fund: adapting small and large companies to ageing since 2004

AGE Secretary General, Anne-Sophie Parent, participated in a conference on 3 April 2014 celebrating the 10 year’s anniversary of the Belgian Professional Experience Fund. This fund is designed to subsidise companies for specific measures that support older employees. Surprisingly, the majority of companies supported by the Fund are small and medium-sized companies. Anne Himpens, the […]

How to deal with longer working lives: a human resources perspective

CSR Europe, the European business network on corporate social responsibility, is currently leading a project to help companies integrate age management in their human resources policies. This project has just developed a self-assessment tool to support companies’ effort in that field. The workforce of European companies is getting older. How can they ensure their workforce […]

Irish Senior Enterprise Initiative promotes entrepreneurship among 50+

Senior Enterprise is an EU supported initiative aimed at fostering seniors’ involvement with enterprise. It seeks for instance to help people aged over 50 to start, acquire or invest in a business or be active as advisors in new and developing businesses.The Senior Enterprise Initiative has won the Investing in Skills Category at the European […]

DUO for a JOB

DUO for a JOB is an association based in Brussels and working in the field of intergenerational mentoring. Experienced professionals in (early) retirement are put into contact with young job seekers, in order to give them advice and support. Mentoring also offers the opportunity to build intergenerational and intercultural links, thus reinforcing social cohesion in […]

Reboot: European partnership to promote adult education

Reboot: European partnership to promote adult education Reboot is a partnership of five EU countries (Belgium, Italy, Poland, Turkey, UK) aiming to address the educational challenge of an ageing Eruopean population and promote active ageing in fostering European cooperation in the field of lifelong learning and the management of adult education. The partnership seeks to […]

French association ASSPRO in support of seniors’ employment

French association ASSPRO in support of seniors’ employment ASSPRO aims to help active seniors to find a job, complement their activities or become self-employed in providing them with relevant information and connect them with socio-economic actors.To support its activities, the association runs ‘coffee-break sessions’ for active seniors (‘Cafés des actifs’) organises the first ‘salon des […]

French publication on good practices on working conditions for seniors

A publication in French collecting good practices on work conditions for senior workers has been issued by the French Northern region Picardie with the support of the European Social Fund. It examines the challenges to be considered in relation to senior workers’ well being and reports on companies’ experience to improve working conditions (and prevent […]

Novartis Spain

Novartis Spain – GeneDiversity GeneDiversity is a project enacted by Novartis Spain, part of the second largest pharmaceutical company worldwide, in order to encourage intergenerational solidarity in the workplace. The goals include increased communication to promote an eventual seamless transition for critical positions. This involves seminars, mentoring, and reciprocal learning between generational groups. An action […]


ACCOMPANY The ACCOMPANY project, Acceptable Robotic Companions for Ageing Years began in October 2011 & will last for 36 months. ACCOMPANY is trying to assist elderly people in maintaining their health and independence for longer through using a socially intelligent service robot. In this way we hope to delay the moment when elderly people will […]


SCRIPT (Supervised Care and Rehabilitation Involving Personal Tele-Robotics) The SCRIPT project began in November 2011 & will last for 36 months. Due to the high costs of clinical neuro-rehabilitation, post stroke treatments are limited in many countries to only a few weeks after the stroke event. Any system aimed at prolonging neuro-rehabilitation out of the […]

Accessibility Guide for Business

Accessibility Guide for Business The Club de Excelencia en Sostenbilidad, Spain has taken a leading role in promoting accessibility for the disabled by creating the Accessibility Guide for Business. It provides strong and informed guidelines for companies on how to integrate disabled persons into the workforce and how to tailor resources to address specific needs. […]

Voluntary Guidelines Supporting Age Diversity in Commerce

Voluntary Guidelines Supporting Age Diversity in Commerce EuroCommerce and Uni-Europa are taking leading roles in promoting a more dynamic commerce industry by leveling employment opportunities for all ages. The two companies have released a set of guidelines that address aspects related to age in human resource management. Some of their guidelines include anti-age discrimination policies […]

Measures to Promote Senior Employment

Measures to Promote Senior Employment In order to promote active aging in businesses and firms in France, Article 87 of the Financing of Social Security Law (2009) states that companies must have made agreements or action plans to promote the employment of older workers. As of 1 January, 2009, any company or group of companies […]


FLEX-SENIORITY – A SHORTCUT TO ACTIVE AGEING Denmark Senior Unity of Aarhus, an organisation based in the City of Aarhus, Denmark, seeks to implement on a local level Denmark’s long-running campaign on age-friendly practices within the workplace. The City of Aarhus is committed to helping seniors find purpose and passion later in life and encouraging […]

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