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“No one knows your risk like you do” -WHO campaign on COVID prevention measures
WHO-Europe calls on individuals to assess their personal risks and integrate simple protective measures from respiratory viruses into everyday life.
Loneliness and social exclusion among older Europeans before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
This e-book is the main output of a knowledge sharing process organised by the Joint Programming Initiative “More Years Better Lives – The Potential and...
Drawing lessons from COVID to safeguard democracy and fundamental rights in the EU
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered radical and unprecedented measures in Europe and around the world. Some of these measures have been pointed out as violating...
COVID resilience
Strengthening resilience of older persons and persons with disabilities in long-term care in the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia).
Factors impacting older people’s access/experience of digital public services during COVID-19
This study, undetook by the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Greater Manchester (ARC-GM), aims to understand the factors – both the barriers and enablers – that...
European Parliament will investigate EU response to COVID
The European Parliament (EP) has launched a new special committee that will draw lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and better prepare the EU for future...
COVID impact on long-term care should be addressed by new European Parliament committee
The establishment of a special committee on COVID-19 is currently under discussions within the European Parliament. Together with the European Public Services Union (EPSU) and...
COVID-19 and older people: Impact on their lives, support and care
This report by Eurofound focuses on older people’s lives during the COVID-19 pandemic and how they were impacted by governments’ and societies’ responses in terms...
Rising from the COVID 19 crisis: Policy responses in the long-term care sector
This brief from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) looks at mortality rates in care homes, as well as the policy responses undertaken...
COVID-19 in long-term care
This report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) examines the effects of COVID-19 in the long-term care (LTC) sector in OECD countries,...
Living, Working and COVID-19 – Updated Eurofound report
This factsheet presents the outcome of the latest round of the e-survey and provides a picture of how the social and economic situation of Europeans...
UDP shares survey results on COVID impact on mental health in Spain
In Spain, our member UDP Mayores has shared the result of a survey carried out in autumn 2020 on the effect of COVID-19 on the...
July 2021 – What Sweden’s Covid failure tells us about ageism – Knowable Magazine
‘What Sweden’s Covid failure tells us about ageism’ – 7 July 2021. The article makes reference to AGE work and quotes Barbro Westerholm, AGE Vice-President...
Impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on informal carers across Europe
This report presents the findings of an online survey by Eurocarers on the experience of informal carers of older, frail or disabled people across Europe...
Younger and older people create for each other in Greece during COVID-19
In the pandemic context where physical distance is imposed and cultural life is on hold, the Greek organisation ANTAMA wanted to engage with a cultural...
The grassroot experience during COVID19 – enablers and challenges
In this webinar, launched by the European Covenant on Demographic Change, four Covenant members will present the challenges derived from the pandemic in the implementation...
COVID-19 and informal carers: improving care integration for better outcomes
Informal carers represent a huge segment of the health and care workforce. Most care for people requiring long-term care is provided by spouses, relatives and...
Social Summit: the EU looks beyond COVID, but must not blind itself to the recent past
PRESS RELEASE Brussels, Belgium – 11th May 2021 Link to this PR on Mailchimp AGE Platform Europe hails the commitments made at the Social Summit...
New COVID-19 resilience project in the Western Balkans
Our new member organisation, the Red Cross of Serbia, is coordinating a three-year project on “Strengthening resilience of older persons and persons with disabilities during...
Strengthened joint call for a European Parliament inquiry on COVID-19 and long-term care
On 25 March, AGE organized jointly with the European Disability Forum (EDF) and the European Public Service Unions (EPSU) an event supported by Members of...
EU networks call for a better recognition of social services in COVID-19 recovery
13 European networks of services – including AGE member organisation the European Ageing Network (EAN) – and a union federation have joined forces to call...
WHO publishes toolkit on well-being of older people during COVID-19
The new WHO “Living with the Times” toolkit contains key messages for working with older adults on how to maintain their well-being during the COVID-19...
COVID-19 and Human Rights Concerns for Older Persons
Our policy paper presents the state-of-play of a reflection we have engaged with our members and external experts on how the COVID-19 pandemic and measures...
Strengthening the Protection of the Human Rights of Older Persons in COVID-19 and Beyond
As part of the 11th session of the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing, AGE will participate in the side event on Strengthening the Protection...