AGE position paper explores the holistic concept of ‘work-life integration’ that we are advocating for.
Unlike the notion of work-life balance, work-life integration emphasizes the interconnectedness of personal and professional domains, acknowledging that our careers encompass all roles we play in life.
This shift in understanding better reflects the lived experiences of informal carers, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to supporting their needs. This change will be even more critical as the number of workers who also serve as informal carers is expected to rise significantly along with the current demographic trends.
Our publication also looks at the diverse the complexity of informal care, the need to empower older women in the labour market, the multifold impact of unvalued caregiving and the role of informal carers in strengthening intergenerational solidarity at work and in society.
We also provide three policy recommendations for enhancing the position of informal carer, both at work and in society.

Sarah Loriato
Policy Officer on Employment and European Parliament Liaison