The UN Human Rights Council extended last week the mandate of the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons for another 3 years. Ms. Kornfeld-Matte was appointed in 2014 as the first UN Independent Expert focusing on the particular human rights challenges faced by older persons. In September she presented her final report to the Human Rights Council where she suggested the elaboration of a new UN convention on the rights of older persons.
On 29th September a new resolution was adopted by consensus by the UN Human Rights Council asking the Independent Expert to continue her work assessing the situation of older persons across the world. UN Member States took note of the work of Ms. Kornfeld-Matte in her previous term as well as the various proposals that have been made within the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, including the possible elaboration of a multilateral legal instrument on the rights of older persons. They further recognize a number of issues that older people face in the equal enjoyment of their human rights that need to be addressed urgently, including, among others, in access to care, protection from abuse, discrimination, housing, lifelong learning and social protection. The UN Human Rights Council further emphasized that consultation with older persons is essential in the formulation and adoption of relevant legislation and policies.
AGE Platform Europe welcomes this development and looks forward to contributing to the important work of the Independent Expert in the following years, in order to evaluate how older people across the European Union can enjoy their rights and discuss ways to fill in the gaps in their protection.
For more information, you may contact Nena Georgantzi