AGE joined other civil society organisations in order to bring attention to the challenges faced by older women in accessing social protection systems, public services and sustainable infrastructure.
AGE Platform Europe has endorsed the written statements prepared by HelpAge International and the International Federation on Ageing in order to raise visibility of older women in the CSW discussions and show the breadth of civil society support for increasing attention to the human rights of older women.
In these statements we underline the fact that older women face a higher risk of poverty and we deplore the persistent gender pension gap, which has reached almost 40% in the EU. In addition, we refer to unequal access of women to health and long-term care when social protection is not guaranteed.
We therefore make several recommendations to mitigate these inequalities, including by…
- providing non-contributory pensions,
- recognizing and supporting care work provided by older women,
- expanding coverage of health and long-term care needs through social protection schemes,
- systematically consulting older women.
Useful resources
- HelpAge Statement to the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women
- Written Statement by the International Federation on Ageing to the 63rd Commission on the Status of Women
For more information you may contact Nena Georgantzi, Policy Coordinator on Human Rights & Non-Discrimination: