On the European Day of Solidarity between Generations on 29th April, AGE’s member organisations recalled the benefit or promoting strengthened intergenerational dialogue and cooperation in an ageing society.
In Spain, UDP Mayores stressed in a press release that solidarity between generations helps combat inequalities at all stages of life and ensure the fulfilment and dignity of older people. Equality is the backbone of Solidarity and Healthy Ageing, stated the organisation. UDP also reminds the important role of senior citizens’ associations to promote intergenerational dialogue and the exchange of experiences.
CEOMA recalled the key role that each generation plays in society and insisted on the positive impact of intergenerational exchange and cooperation in the context of an ageing population.
In Portugal, Apré ! highlighted the importance of promoting solidarity between generations as a response to today’s economic, demographic and social challenges.
In Greece, 50+Hellas pointed out active ageing as a key factor in maintaining and as an “opportunity for older people to continue to work and share their experience, to participate actively in society, to live healthy lives and to fulfil their aspirations.” The organisation celebrated the EU Day with a number of initiatives fostering active ageing and intergenerational solidarity:
- The programmes “Digital Inclusion for older people” and “Faith-Feeling Safe to Transact Online” support intergenerational learning on the use of digital technologies in everyday life, such as online banking, public communication and transactions, social networking, etc.
- At part of the STAY ACTIVE FESTIVALS, interactive events and awareness-raising activities promote active later life and solidarity between generations around topics that include physical and mental well-being, social participation and volunteering and participation.
- The Silver Guide and e-Silver Tour projects promotes age-friendly tourism in helping the tourism industry create products and services that meet the needs of older people.
During an online discussion on ‘Intergenerational Dialogue in Political Environments: Challenges and Opportunities’, the European Seniors’ Union (ESU) underlined the need for more intergenerational solidarity in direct interpersonal relationship, but also in common political perspectives to tackle social problems and find sustainable solutions for the future. Promoting regular interaction between people of different age groups can help to break down stereotypes and increase awareness of the diversity of situations within an age group and of the common challenges faced, recalled ESU.