AGE Human Rights Manifesto

AGE Human Rights Manifesto, adopted by AGE General Assembly in November 2016, was drafted with the direct involvement of more than 100 representative organisations of older people. The document outlines AGE members’ vision on human rights in 7 essential principles that everyone aiming to promote older people’s rights should take into account:

  1. Older women and men have the same rights as everyone else
  2. Older people should have equal opportunities
  3. Respecting older people’s rights benefits society as a whole
  4. States need to take action to ensure equal rights across the lifecourse
  5. Older people should be at the centre of processes that affect their lives
  6. A UN convention will help older people contribute, prosper and equally enjoy their rights
  7. Binding human rights commitments need to be applied through regional, national and local action

Read the full AGE Human Rights Manifesto hereManifeste de AGE en français

AGE Manifesto is also available in the following languages, thanks to the involvement of our members:


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