MARVOW-2.0-logo > Theme: gender equality – elder abuse

> Timeline: April 2023 - March 2026

> Keywords: fight against gender-based violence and domestic violence


The MARVOW Project stands for “Multi-Agency Response to Violence against Older Women.” From September 2019 to March 2022, the project developed and implemented an innovative approach to address violence against older women in four partner countries (Austria, Estonia, Greece and Germany). One of the outcomes of the project was the creation of a manual that aims to provide a training programme on how to support older women who are survivors of violence.

As a follow-up , the MARVOW 2.0 project will work to support cooperation between a wide range of stakeholders from relevant sectors that are in contact with older women who experience violence and abuse. It will be implemented in Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, and Spain, and will be disseminated and replicated via wide European networks (including AGE Platform Europe).

The project is in line with the Gender Equality Strategy of the European Union and the EU Strategy on victims’ rights the objective of supporting the development of large-scale, integrated actions to combat gender-based violence, and achieve long-term and structural changes with a wide geographical coverage.

The project will focus on :

  • Victims/survivors of gender-based violence and their families
  • Perpetrators of gender-based violence and domestic violence
  • Agencies involved in victim protection such as social services, healthcare, and criminal justice
  • EU policymakers and EU institutions
  • National policymakers and national institutions

Expected outcomes 

MARVOW 2.0 aims to improve services for victims of gender-based violence in

  • Setting up multi-agency networks supporting cooperation between different relevant sectors (care for older people, protection and social services, judiciary and police among others),
  • Developing a comprehensive multiagency cooperation model for working with older victims of abuse.


AGE involvement  

The main role of AGE will be to:

  • Provide its expertise on elder abuse and gender-based violence against older women
  • Support the partners in drafting EU policy recommendations
  •  Organising  the final event of the project in Brussels in 2026.

Useful links 



Human Rights and Project Officer

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