#OlderAndGreener is a campaign launched in the UK on the UN’s International Day of Older People (IDOP) by the Centre for Better Ageing to celebrate what older people are doing to tackle the climate emergency.
Ahead of the COP26 UN climate change conference taking place in Glasgow in November, the city of Manchester, along with the GM Ageing Hub, as members of the UK Network of Age Friendly Cities and Communities, has agreed to make Climate Change the focus of this year’s IDOP.
The campaign challenges the myths that older people are responsible for climate change and aren’t concerned about the issue. A film and individual case study films promote the fact that people of all generations are concerned about climate change and want to do something about it.
Hearing citizens’ voice
As part of the programme the Manchester Climate Change programme, the online platform “In Our Nature” has been launched to allow citizens to have their say about tackling climate change and find out how to contribute. The platform collects practical tips, stories and actions to make Manchester a greener, healthier and more connected city.
Read also:
- Environment matters to everyone, including older persons
- ‘Life is intergenerational by nature and so should EU action!’ AGE members urge the new EU policy makers
- AGE responds to UN consultation on the effects of climate change on the human rights of older persons
- Protecting the climate – BAGSO position paper