MEP Marc Angel Champions a Resilient, Age-Inclusive Europe

Marc Angel, Member of the European Parliament (MEP), emphasised that “Demographic trends can strengthen Europe’s resilience” highlighting the importance of building a Europe for all ages.

Watch MEP Marc Angel’s speech in the European Parliament

The Europe we want is for all ages!

Creating a Europe for all ages means fostering an inclusive society built on well-being for all, intergenerational solidarity, and the full recognition of every person’s right to participate in and contribute to society.

The Age Equality Strategy, long advocated by AGE Platform Europe and included in our Manifesto for the 2024 European Parliament Elections, is essential for building a society that benefits all generations.

Longevity should be celebrated as one of humanity’s greatest achievements—not viewed as a burden. Human rights do not diminish with age.

Thank you, MEP Marc Angel, for your support in championing Europe for All Ages!



Philippe Seidel

Policy Manager on Social and Economic policies and European Parliament Liaison

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