Let’s make 2025 the year we start drafting a UN convention for equal rights in old age!

In May 2024, the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing concluded its mandate. Now, our efforts are shifting to the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), which will meet in Geneva for its 58th session from 24 February to 4 April 2025.

During this session, we aim to achieve two major goals:

  1. Ensure the HRC adopts a resolution that proposes creating a new process to develop an international, legally binding agreement (a convention) on the rights of older people.
  2. Secure the meaningful participation of older people and civil society in this process.

To achieve these goals, we need your support!

What can you do?

1. Mobilise at the national level:
  • Write to your government representatives (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or UN Missions) and request their support for the resolution.
  • Use the template letter prepared by GAROP to send your message.
2. Request a meeting with decision-makers:
  • Arrange a meeting with your government to advocate for their active support during the HRC session.
  • Share key arguments about why a convention is crucial for equal rights in old age.
3. Act now – January 2025 is the deadline:
  • A draft resolution is expected to be drafted in January 2025, the earlier you act, the stronger our collective impact will be!

For a detailed explanation of how the HRC adopts resolutions, including the steps from drafting to adoption, please refer to this guide on the Human Rights Council process.

Let’s work together to make equal rights in old age a reality!


Nena Georgantzi

Human Rights Manager

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