AGE supports an important study on discrimination on the grounds of age in the European Union initiated by the European Commission DG Justice & Consumers (DG JUST). If you have experienced any kind of age discrimination or ageism as an individual or are part of a Civil Society Organization (CSO) working on these issues, support us in shaping the understanding and future policies around age equality.
Why is this study important?
Ageism, as defined by the World Health Organization, encompasses stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel), and discrimination (how we act) based on age. It often manifests in unjust treatment across various areas of life, from the workplace to healthcare, social participation, and beyond.
Through this study, we aim to provide the European Commission with a broad and comprehensive overview and analysis of discrimination on the grounds of age by:
- Understanding the challenges and impacts of age discrimination on individuals and communities.
- Identifying gaps in existing efforts and policies in protection from discrimination based on age.
- Gathering recommendations for advancing age equality, with a focus on intersectionality and intergenerational fairness.
Persons that have experienced ageism or age discrimination
Share your experiences and perspectives
We are seeking responses from individuals who can share their real-life experiences with ageism and age discrimination. Your input will help understanding the areas of life where age discrimination occurs and its effects.
Survey details:
- The survey is directly available in English, German, French, Italian, Polish and Spanish; the questionnaire is available in all EU languages.
- Estimated completion time: approximately 35 minutes
- Your participation is voluntary, anonymous, and confidential.
- Results will be reported only in aggregate form, ensuring your privacy.
Why participate?
By taking a few moments to share your experiences, you can contribute to build a future where every individual, at all ages, is treated with fairness, dignity, and respect.
Are you living in Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania or Spain?
We are looking for individuals from these 10 countries to share their experience with ageism and age discrimination in 45 minute-interviews conducted in their local language either online or via the telephone.
We welcome participants from diverse backgrounds (age, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, socio-economic background, living in rural and urban areas etc.).
If you’re interested, or if you know someone who can be, please contact Vera Hörmann by email (click here)
Civil Society Organisations working on ageism
Help shape the policy landscape on age equality
If your organization works on fighting ageism and age discrimination or encounters it through your activities, we invite you to take part in this study.
Your insights will help to map current efforts in tackling ageism and age discrimination; identify gaps and opportunities for action and provide recommendations for policy and advocacy at national and EU levels.
Survey details
- Estimated completion time: 20-30 minutes.
- All responses are confidential, and the results will be reported at aggregate level only.
Why participate?
Your expertise is crucial in shaping a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape of age-related advocacy and in driving progress for age equality across Europe.