Future of Europe: a digital platform gives a voice to EU citizens


The Conference on the Future of Europe is a series of debates and discussions that will enable people from across Europe to share their views and ideas on issues that matter to them and affect their everyday lives. The event aims to create a new public forum that gives citizens a greater role in shaping EU policies and priorities.

The Conference debates will last at least one year, with first political conclusions expected in spring 2022 under the French Presidency of the EU Council. Those conclusions will provide guidance for Europe’s future direction.

A platform to make your voice heard

An interactive multilingual digital platform was officially launched on 19 April by representatives of the European Commission, the EU Council and the European Parliament.

The platform allows every EU citizen to submit ideas online and help them participate in or organise events. It is structured around key topics: climate change and the environment; health; a stronger and fairer economy; social justice and jobs; EU in the world; values and rights, rule of law, security; digital transformation; European democracy; migration; and education, culture, youth and sport. An ‘open box’ enables citizens to raise any other issue of interest or concern.

The digital platform is available in all 24 official EU languages.

Get involved:

  • Contribute to shaping your future via the Conference platform
  • Promote the consultation on social media channels, with the hashtag #TheFutureIsYours

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