Access of older persons to digital services – FRA webinar

In this webinar, the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) will present and discuss the findings from its report on Fundamental rights of older persons: ensuring access to public services in digital societies. They will look at the legal framework and policies concerning equal access of older persons to digital public services and discuss the ways forward to ensure that no one is left behind. 


Not only is Europe’s population is aging but all areas of life are undergoing rapid digitalisation. FRA’s latest research findings put the focus on a particularly crucial issue – how to ensure equal access to public services for all population groups. According to the target of the European Digital Decade policy programme, public services should be 100% available online by 2023. However, very little is said about how to ensure equal access to public services, leaving this for the national level to figure out. FRA’s report Fundamental rights of older persons: ensuring access to public services in digital societies looks at if and how national legal provisions and policies live up to the aim that no one should be left behind. The report is based on national reports provided by FRA’s research network and a comparative report and suggests some ideas for the way forward.


  • 14:30 Welcome and introduction – Ene Patterson (FRA)
  • 14:35-14:55 Presentation followed by discussion: Purpose and background of this research – Sabine Springer (FRA)
    Discussion starter: To what extent is the demographic change and the digitalisation of all areas of life part of your work?
  • 14:55-15:15 Presentation followed by discussion: Legal and policy framework – Sabine Springer (FRA)
    Discussion starter: From your perspective, do you think your country has done enough to ensure equal access to public services for everyone? From your perspective, what are the legal and political shortcomings in protecting people from digital exclusion?
  • 15:15 Proposals for ways forward and discussion
    Discussion starter: What measures could be taken to protect against digital exclusion and ensure equal access of all population groups at risk but particularly for older persons? What can civil society do to ensure this protection?
  • 15:45 Conclusions and closing
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