Euronews features i-PROGNOSIS app and videogames against Parkinson’s disease


i-PROGNOSIS, an EU-funded research project that AGE Platform is involved in, has recently been featured on Euronews’ Futuris, a European video program on the latest news about the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe. This episode of Futuris presents the app and video games developed in i-PROGNOSIS and shows how they help in the treatment and early diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease.

Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive disease of the nervous system which affects around 6.3 million people worldwide, most of them aged 55 and over. Symptoms appear gradually and slowly get worse – making it difficult to diagnose. Today there is still no specific test for the condition and treatment options only help to manage Parkinson’s symptoms. This is why the i-PROGNOSIS consortium has joined forces to build an early detection test with the help of a smart phone application and design innovative serious game interventions.

AGE represents the users in the i-PROGNOSIS project and contributes with its expertise on user participation and the interaction of older persons with new technologies. AGE is also coordinating the dissemination and communication around the project.

The video is accessible on the Euronews website in the following languages:


> Learn more about i-Prognosis and AGE’s involvement

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