Equality for all is a growing informal coalition of European NGOs aiming working together for the adoption of the horizontal non-discrimination directive.
AGE Platform Europe in an ongoing collaboration with other non-discrimination networks launched ‘Equality For All’, an initiative by NGOs that represent millions of EU citizens at risk of discrimination, i.e. women, persons with disabilities, younger and older people, LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersexual) persons, members of ethnic, religion and belief communities as well as persons with a migration background. We joined forces to call on EU Member States to adopt the proposed Horizontal Directive on equal treatment as soon as possible.
Indeed, six years after the Commission’s proposal for new legislation on equal treatment, the Horizontal Directive is still stuck in negotiations at the Member State level. This is unacceptable, as fundamental rights are not up for negotiation or cherry picking. In the aftermath of the fifth anniversary of the entry into force of the Charter of Fundamental rights, all Member States should show their commitment to the fight against discrimination, which is in everyone’s best interest. The ‘Equality for All’ label aims to give more visibility to our common work and the voice of EU citizens that strive for equality in all areas of their lives.
For more information, contact Nena Georgantzi, AGE Legal Officer, nena.georgantzi@age-platform.eu