Dr. Fausto Felli passed away

Fausto FelliWe are very sad to announce the death of Dr. Fausto Felli, President of Equity In Health Institute (Italy). For years Fausto battled at EU and national level to promote greater health equity and find sustainable solutions to guarantee universal access to health and long-term care for all and in particular for our ageing population.

For several years he was an active member of AGE expert group on healthy ageing and until a few weeks ago regularly visited AGE office to share new ideas and provide us updates on the various working groups and initiatives he was involved in at EU level in the field of health and social innovation. He was currently working on innovative solutions to encourage pension funds to invest in health and long-term care facilities to respond to the growing needs for quality elder care services.

In addition to his commitment to older people’s cause, Fausto was also a happy and proud father and grand-father. We will all miss him very much.

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