Age UK warns of the impact of lockdown on older people’s mental health and malnutrition

Age-UK-logo As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 18-24 May, Age UK raised awareness of the increased emotional strain that older people are under during lockdown.

Age groups may experience depression, loneliness and anxiety, “however, many older people do not seek help and instead, adopt a ‘stiff upper lip’ approach to dealing with these feelings, and the longer the lockdown continues, the more these feelings risk being amplified.”

Age UK also reminds that unhealthy patterns of behaviour tend to be more common during confinement and can make you feel worse. It therefore highlights some simple steps that can help older people to stay mentally and physically active during this time. Read those tips here

In another article, the UK senior organisation warns about the rising risk of malnutrition among older people during lock down. Read the article here

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