AGE responds to EU consultation on Working Time Directive

Work life balanceIn March 2015 AGE responded to an EU public consultation on the revision of the European Working Time Directive, advocating for better balance between work and private life.

With the ageing of the population, care to dependent relatives is becoming a growing concern for many Europeans and conciliating work and caring responsibilities is therefore an issue that needs to be addressed, not only in the interest of the workers, but also of the employers and the society as a whole. Flexible working time could provide an adequate solution, which would help lighten the pressure of an ageing demography on public healthcare budget, foster longer working careers and contribute to people’s wellbeing and motivation at work. It would also help promote gender equality and prevent gender pension gap in old age, since the majority of caring relatives are women.

AGE joined force with the Confederation of Families in Europe (COFACE) to issue a common press release.HealthyWorkplaces logo

Better work-life balance would also reduce stress at work and therefore support the ongoing EU campaing on ‘Healthy Workplaces’, in which AGE is a partner.

For more information on AGE response and the EU campaign, please contact Philippe Seidel,

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