AGE Position on Work-life balance

This position paper was released in response to the Commission’s proposals on work-life balance and carers’ leave . AGE welcomes this initiative, which would introduce the right to five days of paid care leave per worker and year to help family members in need. The right to request flexible working conditions and the aim to close the care gap between women and men in childcare are also important to fight gender differences that result in the gender pension gap and to allow for sustainable employment throughout the life-course. AGE stresses however that some definitions in the draft directive could be improved, and that five days are only enough if EU member states invest heavily in the provision of person-centred, affordable long-term care services and services for carers. To cover carers who are not in employment, AGE calls for a Council recommendation on social protection and services for carers.

Access AGE position here: Work-life balance: an urgent and necessary initiative also for older workers!

Read AGE press release: The right to carer’s leave: a necessity in today’s context of demographic change


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