AGE has been campaigning for older workers issues to be integrated within the upcoming EP report on the Agenda for new skills for jobs (rapporteur Regina Bastos MEP, EPP/Portugal). AGE’s employment experts prepared amendments to be tabled on this draft report. These included the need to better use the asset that older workers present and the creation of new job possibilities for workers of all ages including older women. The EU needs to make full use of its labour force potential including among those aged 50+ and to draw on their specific competencies, abilities and experiences. AGE also calls for adequate support to be given to the reconciliation of work and family life including for those with caring duties for dependent relatives, and for the recognition at EU level of skills acquired through informal and non-formal learning at work and through volunteering activities.
AGE also stressed the importance of mainstreaming intergenerational solidarity and cooperation within the employment context and for initiatives to be implemented that promote longer working lives such as job shares, skills and mid-career appraisal, employee volunteering and phased retirement including among those who work freelance.
AGE is also working closely with other social NGOs on this dossier (EAPN, YFJ, Solidar…) and participated in a joint meeting with Regina Bastos MEP’s office on 31 May where we presented the above points.
For more details, please contact Rachel Buchanan at
Hearing: New Skills and Jobs (Regina Bastos – EPP):