Working conditions in care:
Implications for labour rights, quality of services and the dignity of older people
Workshop on the occasion of the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day #WEAAD
5 June 2018, 12:30 – 17:45
Venue: UNI Europa, Rue Joseph II 40, 2nd floor, 1000 Brussels
On the occassion of the 2018 World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, AGE Platform Europe is organising jointly with UNI Europa – service trade unions -, the European Commission and ENNHRI (the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions) a workshop exploring the links between working conditions in care and the rights of workers, the quality of services and the dignity of older persons.
This invitation-only workshop will help identify common ground between workers and users of services for future advocacy in this field. It will explore how advocating for better and more accessible care services for older people relates to addressing the difficult working conditions in the care sector.
You can follow the discussions using the hashtag #WEEAD in Twitter, or consulting AGE’s account, @AGEPlatform_EU
You will find here the agenda of the workshop.
For any further information, you can get in touch with Borja Arrue Astrain, AGE’s Project and Policy Officer responsible for long-term care and elder abuse,