Workshop on ‘Regional Strategies for Active Ageing’

Workshop on ‘Regional Strategies for Active Ageing’

The Workshop “Regional Strategies on Active Ageing”, organized by Fundecyt and the Junta de Extremadura together with the European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, the Committee of the Regions, the Ministry of Health, Equalities, Care and Ageing (North Rhine-Westphalia) and the “Silver Economy Network of European Regions (SEN@ER)” took place on 23 September 2010 in EU representation of North Rhine-Westphalia in Brussels.

Against the background of the upcoming European Year for Active Ageing & Intergenerational Solidarity 2012 the workshop objectives were to:

  • Inform about the objectives of the European Year for Active Ageing & Intergenerational Solidarity 2012
  • develop a European exchange of information on activities and initiatives in different European regions,
  • identify areas for cooperation which may lead to the establishment of partner consortia and
  • develop and submit project proposals to European Commission funding programmes.

The workshop also presented the relevant funding programmes of the European Commission. These offer opportunities to different types of institutions in the regions for obtaining funding for a variety of different activities in the topic areas ‘Silver Economy’, and ‘Regional Strategies on Active Ageing’ which they would like to carry out with partners from other European regions.

A report of the workshop is available on SEN@ER’s website at:SEN@ER_Regional_Strategies_workshop-report_minutes

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