Presentation of Barometer results to the Social Dialogue Committee on Industrial Cleaning

On 7 March, AGE took part in the Social Dialogue Committee on Industrial Cleaning. We presented the results of the 2023 Barometer on empowering older people in the labour market for sustainable, quality working lives. Among the Barometer’s recommendations and practices gathered, we have selected a few that we believe are more significant for the cleaning sector.

Career management throughout life

To better support older employees, AGE highlighted the need to adopt age management strategies that include older workers in the development and monitoring of this strategy. Career management must be considered throughout the working life and include opportunities for a second career, for example through a change of position within the company. 

We reiterated that a minimum income throughout life and adequate pensions are essential for a sustainable working life. Today, the increased link between contributions and retirement benefits poses problems for people with shorter careers, such as women, who often have to stop working earlier to look after their families. 

Addressing specific situations 

As far as age discrimination in the workplace is concerned, we highlighted the existence of training for employers and employees. We also emphasised the intersectional and lifelong approach we need to adopt to support older workers. For example, women need specific support to meet the challenges they face throughout their careers. Today, the employment rate of older women is lower than that of men because of the cumulative challenges they face throughout their working lives.

Finally, in addition to health and safety measures to ensure workplaces for all ages, we stressed the need to address the mental health problems faced by older workers, which are mainly linked to age discrimination and the lack of flexibility to guarantee work-life balance. The specific situation of older women was again recalled, with emphasis on the need to adapt to menopausal symptoms likely to hamper their work.

We aim to develop relations with the social partners and to reflect on the particular challenges faced by older workers in all their diversity in the various employment sectors.



Policy Officer on Employment and European Parliament Liaison

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