Work-related stress: older workers face psychosocial risks

A new report by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA) shows that the main psychosocial risks of work-related stress are related to 5 main topics 1. new forms of employment contracts and job insecurity, 2. the ageing workforce, 3. work intensification, 4. high emotional demands and violence at work, and 5. a poor work-life balance.

Concerning the ageing workforce, experts emphasise that ageing workers are more vulnerable to poor working conditions than young workers. The specifics of the physical and psychosocial work environment influence the work performance and ability of older workers. Additionally, the failure in providing ageing workers with lifelong learning opportunities increases the emotional and mental demands upon them, which may affect their health.

The report highlights that general working conditions and environment need to be improved in order to maintain the performance potential of older workers, and allow them health and safe work throughout a prolonged working life.

For more information, please read the report: “Expert Forecast on emerging psychosocial risks related to occupational safety and health

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