“We accept rights violations in old age that would be unacceptable at any other age.” – Interview with Nena Georgantzi Featured in La Vanguardia

Interview of Nena Georgantzi - La Vanguardia Photo Credits: Ana Jiménez

Photo Credits: Ana Jiménez / La Vanguardia

Nena Georgantzi, Human Rights Manager at AGE Platform Europe, was interviewed by journalist Mayte Rius for the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia.

During the interview, she spoke about the prevalence of ageism in society, describing it as a systemic issue and ‘one of the most accepted types of discrimination.’ She also highlighted that ageism is so internalised that it is estimated that only one in four cases of abuse of older people is reported, and emphasised the importance of having a UN Convention on the Rights of Older People.


"I would very much like to see young people fighting for the rights of older people, not only out of solidarity but also because they, too, will reach that age and will want to have those rights. Their situation is likely to be even more difficult than that of today's older people, as they are starting from a position of greater inequality and uncertainty and are likely to live to an even older age."
Nena Georgantzi
Nena Georgantzi
Human Rights Manager of AGE Platform Europe
"In children, care is designed to develop their potential; in older people, care is designed to maintain them with the minimum number of problems."
Nena Georgantzi
Nena Georgantzi
Human Rights Manager of AGE Platform Europe

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