Watch That Attitude: Is There Ageism in Healthcare? – Interview with Nena Georgantzi Featured in Medscape

Discover the impact of ageism in healthcare through Nena Georgantzi’s interview, featured on Medscape alongside insights from other researchers.

Healthcare Is Not Exempt From Ageist Attitudes

A systematic review published in the journal PLOS ONE in 2020 found that age was a determinant factor in dictating who received certain medical procedures or treatments.


“We cannot devalue the lives of older people simply because they are older. It is crucial for all of us, especially governments, to acknowledge our responsibility to protect and promote human rights for individuals of all ages. If we fail to do this, the strategies we’ve witnessed during this pandemic will be repeated in the future”.
Nena Georgantzi
Nena Georgantzi
Human Rights Manager of AGE Platform Europe

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