As part of the AFCToolkit project, we have contributed to the development of a professional curriculum for Age-Friendly Cities, which will be presented at a webinar on 24 November (10:00-11:00 CET).
Together with our members CEOMA and Anziani Non Solo, we have teamed up with AFEdemy, Mensajeros de la Paz and SoSu under the Age-Friendly Toolkit (AFCToolkit) Erasmus+ project.
Our goal is to develop educational materials (an app and eLearning course) and to set up the profile of a professional for inclusive ageing in age-friendly cities. The training course developed as part of the project will be presented at the final workshop of AFCToolkit.
The workshop will present the course’s modules (build environment, social inclusion, social participation, community building and communication, civic engagement and employment) and seek for additional feedback before moving to the next phases of the project, i.e. the conception and implementation of an training app and online course.
The workshop is originally intended for the members of AGE Task Force on Age-Friendly Environments. Nevertheless, if you don’t belong to the Task Force but are interested to join, please contact
For more information on the project, do not hesitate to visit the project website.