The first part of the dialogue workshop set the scene with presentations of:
the SHAPES project, in which we are involved as a partner,
the 4-wheel framework for technology adoption in integrated care,
the SHAPES pilots
methods of transferring and upscaling integrated care.
Discussions acknowledged the great potential of technology for upscaling integrated care, provided we take critical factors such as the human factor, ongoing support, using empowerment and making technology resilient in terms of different environments into account.
Innovation as a cyclical process
The 4-Wheel Framework, developed by SHAPES, features more than 150 impacting factors clustered into thematic domains and phases in the adoption process. This model aims to be used as a framework supporting and guiding technology adoption in care and support services.
“Technology might not be the problem, the problem is how to make it work in care services and care facilities”, stressed Luk Zelderloo, former Secretary General of the European Association of Service providers for persons with disabilities.
Recommendations from participants
Participants were invited to reflect on what strategy they would recommend to developers to ensure the large-scale uptake of their solutions, and to service provider for the successful adoption of person-centred technology in integrated care. The key strategies mentioned were:
To developers:
Engage all relevant stakeholders
Ethics by design
Involve public institutions.
The importance of user engagement was emphasized, highlighting that users make the final decision on what technologies they want.To service providers:
Ensure workload for caregivers (professional and informal) does not increase (too much)
Support decision making for persons’ with disabilities and the right to opt-out
Need to balance individual needs with population needs