SUSTAIN project logo Theme: Integrated care

> Timeline: April 2015 – March 2019

> Key Words: integrated care,  health and social care


SUSTAIN aimed to improve established integrated care care initiatives in 14 different sites for older people living at home with multiple health and social care needs, ensuring they are patient-centred, prevention-oriented, efficient, and safe and to ensure that improvements brought to the integrated care initiatives are applicable and adaptable to other health systems and regions in Europe.


SUSTAIN Roadmap (click here): provides resources to support health and social care professionals, managers, decision-makers, policy-makers and even users or their families to respond to the urgent need to support care in the home environment to better meet the needs of older people.

Overarching policy report (click here): The report provides recommendations for policy-makers, service providers, and the research community based on the outcomes and experiences of the project, and an overall conclusion on the SUSTAIN project.

Country reports: present the integrated care sites and the different projects that were set up to support the improvement of integrated care. They include the state of play, the sites’ characteristics and improvement projects; Key findings from the sites: what worked and what did not work when improving integrated care, and what are the explanations; Main lessons learned: potential impact of improvements and cross-country transferability, methodological reflections; Overall national reflections: implications of SUSTAIN for integrated care in the different countries, policy recommendations and recommendations for service providers.

Country reports are available for Austria, Catalonia (Spain), Estonia, United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, and Norway.

AGE involvement

AGE had a transversal role in the project, but in particular:

  • supported the participatory process and engagement of stakeholders during the project, especially of older persons’ organisations in the different countries
  • brought knowledge and experiences on integrated quality care
  • linked the project activities to ongoing policy and decision-making processes at EU level
  • supported the dissemination and engagement processes
  • contributed to the roadmap.

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