The LACE project started in October 2005 and is funded through the Grundtvig I programme of the European Commission. It is a partnership of organisations including both formal and non-formal educational institutions from seven different European countries.

LACE compares three existing educational programs aiming at volunteer involvement of older citizens. It looks at possibilities to improve these existing programs but also to replicate these in other parts of Europe. This is done by helping project partners develop their own pilot projects at national level.

The project was initiated by the Netherlands Platform Older People and Europe (NPOE), which established the SESAM Academy in the Netherlands in 2003; an educational programme aiming at volunteer participation of retired managers. This project is supported by an advisory committee of which, AGE is part.

The advisory Committee advises the partnership about needs of and developments in their respective sectors and relevant European policy developments. It also helps to disseminate the project results beyond the partnership.

For more information about the project visit Lace website

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