INNOVAGE – Social Innovation promoting Active and Healthy Ageing

Innovage Logo-smallINNOVAGE – Social Innovation promoting Active and Healthy Ageing – is an FP7 project dedicated to developing and testing, as well as surveying and cataloguing, social innovations that will have a solid impact on improving the quality of life and well-being of older people. In particular the project aims to make a major contribution to the EU Horizon 2020 goal of extending healthy life years by concentrating the highest possible quality of scientific expertise, together with stakeholders from all relevant fields and the active participation of older people. The project started in December 2012 and will finish in November 2015.

The project sees the involvement of AGE in one of the key objective of the project, which is the knowledge exchange and transfer. In particular, AGE will:

  • ensure older people will be the pivot of the action, by advising all other activities on the involvement of older people in social innovation development, by being member of the expert panel, by advising on membership of the Stakeholders Forums and advising the Coordination Team;
  • prepare formal guidelines on involvement which, after scrutiny by the expert panel, will be posted on the INNOVAGE European Platform;
  • co-organise a “major European conference” on Social Innovations for healthy and active ageing, under the leadership of the coordinator and together with a Latvian partner.

Read the INNOVAGE User Involvement Guidelines that AGE produced!

For more information on the project, please contact Maude Luherne,

Projects communication tools:

Presentation of the four social innovations developed by the project (updated in September 2014):

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