
The eAccess+ thematic network aims to establish and systematically develop a cooperative platform for co-ordinating, supporting and improving the implementation of eAccessibility throughout Europe

eAccess+eAccess+ aims at establishing and systematically developing a cooperative platform for co-ordinating, supporting and improving the implementation of eAccessibility throughout Europe. By involving all stakeholder groups it will analyse the state of the art and in particular the obstacles or missing links hindering a boarder uptake of eAccessibility. The network will first identify and consult all relevant stakeholder groups, analyse and discuss with them the state of the art, support stakeholders in working on key issues to foster eAccessibility and disseminate experiences and knowledge all over Europe. Finally a roadmap should help to find appropriate future actions to support eAccessibility.


The e-accessibility platform

eAccess+ is developing a ‘Hub for eaccesssibility’, i.e. a platform where a wealth of information on eaccesssibility is gathered. You can access to the hub here: hub.eaccessplus.eu

The eAccess+ Hub is an extensive wiki with information on eAccessibility. It describes and links to resources on:

A wide range of topics related to eaccessibility is covered by the eaccess+ Hub:

eAccess+ is driven by 25 core members, coming from all over Europe. It is their core task to involve all stakeholder groups at national level and to expand the network by a group of Associated Partners.

Follow the eaccess+ Network

 You can also contact Maude Luherne ,  Ilenia Gheno and Nena Georgantzi

Project number: 250568

Project acronym: eAccess+

Project full title: eACCESS+: the eAccessibility Network

Starting date: 1 September 2010

Duration: 36 months

Eaccess+ is partially funded by the Programme ICT-PSP (Information and Communication Technology – Policy Support Programme) of the European Commission as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme. Funding Scheme: CIP-Thematic Network

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