e-Vita-logo > Theme: New technologies – ICT, Active Ageing

> Timeline: January 2021 – December 2023

> Keywords: well-being, independent living, virtual coach, intelligent assistant, ICT, AI,


e-VITA is a joint European – Japanese cooperation project for smart ageing. Japan is known for having one of the oldest populations in the world and researching ways to support older adults as best as possible. AGE has decided to participate in this international research project to encourage international exchange of good practices in the field of active and healthy ageing.

E-VITA’s aim will be to design an intelligent assistant to support older people in remaining active in their living environment, tailored to their own personal needs and wishes. The focus areas in the development of the virtual coach are mobility, social interaction, leisure, cognition, physical activity, mood and spirituality.

Final Outcome

The main purpose of e-VITA is to improve wellbeing of older adults in Europe and Japan by promoting active and healthy ageing and preventing cognitive, physical, emotional and social decline. Researchers will design a trustworthy international virtual assistant, integrating natural language interaction, which will be co-created with end-users and following a design-for-all approach during the entire project.
To ensure a sustainable approach, E-Vita aims for an open interface system for other institutions, SMEs and NGOs in Europe and Japan to integrate their services and interventions, including an open access data sharing platform for researchers and stakeholders involved in the project.


  • Universitaet Siegen (coordinator)
  • AGE Platform Europe
  • Diozesan-caritasverband fur das erzbistum koln ev
  • Delta Dore sa
  • Engineering – ingegneria informatica spa
  • Fraunhofer gesellschaft zur foerderung der angewandten forschung e.v.
  • Assistance publique hopitaux de paris
  • Instituto nazionale di riposo e cura per anziani INRCA
  • Institut mines-telecom
  • Institut fur angewandte informatik (infai) ev
  • Institut fur experimentelle psychophysiologie gmbh
  • Universita politecnica delle marche

AGE involvement

The role of AGE in the consortium is to ensure that individual practices of older adults will be considered from a gender and/or cultural perspective. This will be done through various consultations, interviews and surveys in France, Germany and Italy. As the project will identify which daily activities increase wellbeing of older adults, AGE will explore European and Japanese differences and similarities that may exist based on a cultural and/or gender approach.
Finally, a focus will be made on how local age-friendly environment policies may or may not have an impact on the accomplishment of these everyday practices. The project will then be able to create individual usage scenarios that describe practices of older adults using a technology.

AGE is also in charge of the communication plan and the dissemination of the project.

Useful links

Website: https://www.e-vita.coach

You need more information? Please contact us!


MariNE luc

Project Officer

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 101016453

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