Piloting integrated care: SmartCare project User Advisory board start work on the field

Smart Care LogoAGE Platform Europe is involved in the SmartCare project which aims to test (pilot) a better cooperation between social and health services with the help of information technologies. Each region involved is now getting prepared and ready to start concrete implementation of the experimentations. Together with other organisations forming the User Advisory Board, we have been starting to organize visits on the field.

After a first meeting on 1st October to agree and set up key questions and processes for the visits, the board will start a first visit in Barbastro, Aragon in November. Other visits until the end of the project (February 2016) will enable sharing of experiences between the User Advisory Board members and the pilot sites.

The project’s Advisory board is made of a variety of groups who use the SmartCare services such as nurses, care professionals, patients, informal carers and of course older persons. It plays a key role to voice users’ needs and expectations to all relevant stakeholders involved in the delivery of care services. Reports of the visits will be shared among all project partners and fed into the ‘lessons learned’ from the SmartCare project, but will also aim to bring complementary information to the overall evaluation work done in the project.

More information on www.pilotsmartcare.eu

Contact persons: Maude Luherne maude.luherne@age-platform.eu

and Borja Arrue Astrain borja.arrue@age-platform.eu

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