Online survey: How to improve communication of benefits and risks of medicines?

survey icon2An online survey has been launched until December 2014 by the VISUALizE study group. In this survey, benefits and side effects of medicines are presented in several ways; you will be asked to tell which is the easiest or best method to make treatment decisions.

All medicines have both benefits and side effects. Understanding the balance between the benefits and the side effects is important for patients and prescribers to help them choose the most appropriate medicine. Benefits and risks can be communicated in many ways, either as written text or with graphs. However, there is limited information on which method is best to help patients in making treatment decisions.

Patients from the following three disease areas are invited to give their feedback on this issue:

  • Breast cancer
  • Diabetes, type II
  • Atrial fibrillation

The time to complete the survey is 45-65 minutes. On the website you will be asked to create a username and password, so that you can stop and restart the survey at any time.

To participate or to read more information about the study, please visit the study website:

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