Looking for older people to comment on global falls guideline

Despite developments in effective approaches to preventing falls over the past decades, the number of older persons who fall continues to rise. Established in 2019, the Global Falls Guideline Task Force aims to develop guidance for health care practitioners based on the best available evidence to prevent and manage falls in older persons. It is made up of international experts on fall prevention in older persons.

As the draft recommendations are close to being finalized, the Global Falls Guideline Task Force would like older persons to review these recommendations to ensure they appear both sensible and feasible. This will be done through a number of virtual meetings in English with older persons from around the world.

Are you interested in taking part?

To be eligible you would have to respond yes to at least one of the following questions:

  1. Have you experienced a fall in the past year?
  2. Do you feel unsteady when standing or walking?
  3. Do you worry about falling?

If you would be willing to participate and responded yes to one or more of the three questions above, please contact Ellen Freiberger or David B. Hogan from the Global Falls Guideline Task Force.

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