Le Village Landais : Innovative home for people with dementia

Inspired by the De Hogeweyk – Dementia Village in the Netherlands, the ‘Village Landais’, in France is an innovative home for people with dementia.

Opened on 11 June 2020, the French village is home to 120 residents affected by Alzheimer’s or related diseases and supported by 120 staff and 120 volunteers. 10 places are reserved for people aged under 60, and 12 are available for day care and temporary accommodation.

The Village is managed by multidisciplinary, multi-skilled staff (doctors, nurses, gerontological care assistants, psychologists, occupational therapists, psychomotor therapists, entertainers, etc.), administrative staff (management, accounting, etc.) and general services (catering, maintenance). In total, this represents 120 people (full-time equivalent).

An open and caring environment

The Village is inspired by traditional Landes architecture and functions like a real village, with residents enjoying great freedom of movement.

The approach of the project is social innovative rather than medical with the following key features:

  • caring architecture
  • the removal of medical symbols (no white coats, etc.)
  • personalised support
  • respecting people’s tastes and lifestyles
  • maintaining close links with family and friends
  • integration into the urban fabric and life of the community.

Three central pillars:

Person-centred support

The Village Landais is developing person-centred support and non-medicinal approaches, supported by a therapeutic attitude and activities designed to preserve residents’ cognitive and practical abilities as much as possible.

A place for innovation

Other establishments or homecare services will be able to find support or new models of care. The Village is home to a Resource and Research Centre bringing together French specialists in Alzheimer’s disease and training for healthcare and medico-social management professionals in order to disseminate best therapeutic practices.

An inclusive living space

Complementing the professionals, the volunteers are an integral part of the project. By bringing local life to the heart of the Village, they contribute to the therapeutic innovation of the project. Volunteers can come and work with residents on an individual basis or take advantage of the facilities available in the Village. Concerts in the auditorium, painting in the activity room and reading in the media library are just some of the activities that will bring Dacqua’s cultural and community life into the lives of the residents.

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External Resources

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