Joint open letter to EU leaders: Our sustainable future must start now!

AGE joined forces with the Social Platform of European NGOs and 150 organisations to call on EU leaders to stop the political inertia and make sustainable development the EU’s top priority for the next five years. We need to act NOW to ensure a future for Europe that is socially and environmentally sustainable!

In our open letter sent on 11 June 2019, after the electons of the European Parliament in May and ahead of the European Council Summit on 20-21 June where EU leaders agreed on the new Strategic Agenda 2019- 2024, we called for more effort to meet “the magnitude of the social and environmental challenges ahead of us”, pointing out the urgent action needed “to address escalating inequalities and tackle the climate crisis, stop the rapid loss of biodiversity, ensure sustainable consumption and production and quality employment for all, and manage a just transition towards an economic system founded on wellbeing and quality of life”.

“The will for action among citizens and stakeholders is strong – all that is missing is your political will”, we concluded. “As European, national, regional and international organisations working on very diverse social, environmental, economic, governance and international issues, together representing tens of millions of people in Europe, we will continue to raise our voices. But it is up to you as political leaders to steer us towards a better future in a Europe that prioritises the wellbeing of people and planet over shortterm gains. We stand ready to support you in this endeavour.”

Read our full joint letter here

The fight for a sustainable living is the fight of all generations. This was the message expressed by AGE members gathered for their General Assemby in June. In their Final Declaration, older people across 24 EU countries addressed a clear call to the newly elected European Parliament and the future European Commission: a change of mindset is needed, which respects the rights of ALL generations to fully contribute to and benefit from a more sustainable, equal and inclusive EU.

Read our press release

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