Guidelines on involving older people in social innovation development

coverINNguidelinesThe INNOVAGE project released an updated version of the Guidelines for the involvement of older people in social innovation development, publication coordinated by AGE Platform Europe.

The guidelines aim to support all ‘innovators’ including researchers, service providers, professionals, older people organisations, etc. in engaging older people in innovation processes.

They offer a practical set of tools and methods, as well as tips and trick to efficiently involve users and get the most out of their participation.

Don’t wait, use it and disseminate it!

The publication includes information on:

  • Why involving older persons, and why is it so important
  • Overview of different methods used in social innovation processes
  • Pratical guidance, tips and tricks
  • Checklist

The guidelines can be downloaded here. More information by contacting Maude Luherne, policy and projects officer at AGE Platform Europe at

More information on the INNOVAGE project here.

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