The first newsletter issue of Mobile Age project (, an EU co-funded project which started in February 2016, has just been published. Mobile Age Aiming to develop inclusive mobile access to public services using open government data. The project targets European senior citizens, a population group that is usually marginalised when it comes to technical innovations but which is rapidly growing in number and expectations.
The digital mobile applications deveopped as part of the project will be tested in four pilot sites in Europe (UK, Germany, Spain and Greece). Mobile Age is based on the concept of co-creation. This means that older persons themselves will decide which services they want to access, which kind of applications they would like to use, and which requirements in terms of accessibility and mobility they opt for. This will allow citizens, in particular senior citizens, to become part of what we call “open government”. AGE is involved in communication and dissemination activities of the project, and will help share tools developed by the project to other European cities so that they involve older persons in digital public services based on open data.
In this first Newsletter Issue you will have the opportunity to read all the project news of these last months, the progress made, the workshops organised as well as the materials created for the project’s wider dissemination. Also, other interesting news of related thematic areas and upcoming events are included in this issue. Read the newsletter here. Subscription to future editions of the newsletter is available on Mobile Age website:
We hope you will enjoy the reading and welcome to the Mobile Age project community!