Fighting elder abuse in health and long-term care – AGE joint event

Taking place on the 16th June, AGE Platform Europe organised jointly with the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions (ENNHRI) a high-level conference to raise awareness of elder abuse in Europe. Marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, the event promoted a better understanding of the abuse and neglect of older persons by drawing attention to this escalating human rights challenge.


European Commission | Council of Europe | AGE Platform Europe | ENNHRI
Joint event marking World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2016
Hosted by the European Commission

Fighting elder abuse in health and long-term care

Thursday 16th June 2016, 10:00-16:30

16Jun16event logos

Building on similar events organised in 2014 and 2015, the 2016 conference focused on taking a rights-based approach to addressing elder abuse, especially regarding equal access to services as people reach old age and the impact of ageism and age-based discrimination on older people’s access to health and long-term care.

The overall purpose was to highlight to policymakers, civil society actors, health and social care professionals, researchers, human rights bodies and local/regional authorities how inequalities, stereotypes and the lack of a rights-based approach in the provision of health and long-term care increase the risk of maltreatment and neglect of older persons. To achieve these aims, existing legal and policy frameworks were considered to identify good practices, and the delivery of effective responses to tackle elder abuse was be addressed.

Many high level speakers attendaed and the conference was be delivered through presentations given by policymakers, field experts and other stakeholders from across Europe, as well as through expert panel discussions. Time was also allocated between sessions for networking. To adequately cover this broad and important topic, the day was structured into three parts: (1) legal and policy framework, (2) risk factors, and (3) innovative policies and practices. For more information you may refer to the background note and agenda below.


Room 5B

European Commission Albert Borschette Congress Center
Rue Froissart 36
Etterbeek 1040

Additional information

      • For more information about this event you can contact Borja Arrue

        or Nena Georgantzi

      • The day before, June 15th, AGE organised, in the framework of the European project PACE, a policy conference about access to palliative care and the benefits it has for older people. If you want more information about this event you can contact Borja Arrue


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