FATEC co-organised Cycle of Debates on Longevity in Barcelona

FATEC co-organised Cycle of Debates on Longevity in Barcelona

Nena Georgantzi, Human Rights Manager at AGE, spoke at the Cycle of Debates on LongevityDe Platón a Aristóteles: disfrutar o sufrir la longevidad“, co-organised by Fundació Ernest Lluch, the Spanish Chapter of the Club of Rome, Fundación “la Caixa”, and AGE Member Fatec, Federació d’Associacions de Gent Gran de Catalunya, in Barcelona on 21 October 2024.

The cycle aimed to explore whether we can move towards a more Platonic vision of longevity, approaching this goal from three perspectives: a European-level comparative analysis, and both empirical and theoretical insights.

Nena Georgantzi’s presentation focused on age equality and human rights in old age, emphasising the importance of ensuring that human rights do not diminish with age but are respected throughout each individual’s life course.

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