European Commission takes stock of Europe 2020 objectives

The European Commission published on 5 March the communication ‘Taking stock of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’. Assessing the progress made so far towards the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, the Communication acknowledges that, due to the magnitude of the crisis, the EU is still far from reaching its targets, namely in terms of employment and poverty reduction. Regarding age related isues, it further highlights the declining working age population and the need to make better use of a potential labour force consisting mainly of women, older people and so far inactive adults, including migrants.

Considering necessary to gather the views of all interested parties and stakeholders, the Commission intends to launch later in 2014 an EU-wide consultation on the lessons to be learned so far from the implementation of Europe 2020 strategy and on the main factors that should shape the next stages of the EU’s post-crisis growth strategy.

For further information:

AGE will contribute to this consultation using the feedback from members. This consultation will be a key moment to improve social policy mainstreaming in economic governance.

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