European Commission publishes results of the call for Active Ageing Strategies

Following a call for proposals released in July 2013 by the European Commission, projects in six EU member states have been awarded for their support to the development and implementation of comprehensive active ageing strategies with a special focus on the collaboration of different levels of governance and stakeholders on different policy areas.

The six awarded countries are:

  • Latvia: development of a comprehensive active ageing strategy for longer and better working lives, including seminars, study visits and conferences.
  • Slovenia: analysis of existing challenges in the area of active and healthy ageing and the relevance of existing models, best practices and regulatory solutions. This will help shape a set of measures and reforms in the field of employment, active and healthy ageing, assisted independent living and long term care.
  • Bulgaria: active ageing strategy focusing on regional characteristics and cooperation between regional representatives, social partners, municipalities, community centres, civil society, businesses, researchers and media
  • Italy: design and implementation of new integrated strategies three regions (Apulia, Marche and Veneto) to promote active ageing initiatives by improving policy coordination among public and private stakeholders mainly in the areas of employment, participation in society and independent living.
  • UK: reduction of early retirement, notably due to health related issues by framing evidence based recommendations on extension of working lives, development of age-friendly workplaces and health promotion.
  • Ireland: work on employment through the development of an age-friendly workplace scheme, participation in society and independent living through the Age friendly Cities and Countries programme, and review of the effectiveness of assisted living technologies and social interventions.

Read more in the following document:

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