eHealth – SHAPES workshop shares encouraging results from project pilot sites


AGE supported the organisation of the 7th SHAPES Dialogue Workshop which showcased the results of the project pilot sites and governance model in the use of digital technologies for healthy ageing.

The EU funded SHAPES project (Smart and Healthy Ageing through People Engaging in supportive Systems) aims to foster healthy and independent ageing in supporting integrated care across Europe. Regular dialogue workshops are organised to disseminate the SHAPES results and to foster the dialogue between older people and caregivers with care service providers, public authorities, policy makers and industry suppliers.

The 7th dialogue workshop on 16 May 2023 shared the first results of its pilots on physical rehabilitation at home, psycho-social and cognitive stimulation, in-home support for heart failure patients and on long lasting memories care. For example:

  • First positive feedback from older people and physiotherapists on using physical rehabilitation at home. Watch the video.
  • Very positive user’s feedback on the psycho-social and cognitive stimulation “DanceMove” which integrates both a physical and cognitive component into a ludic and appealing social activity (dancing). DanceMove has a high usability and user acceptance level.
  • The overall user experience of patients with heart failure was excellent and more than half of all participants reported an impact on their health-literacy and self-management of their health condition.
  • Qualitative feedback from patients with heart failure mentioned what they liked about the SHAPES digital solutions:

“I felt more empowered over my health.” or “The application is very clear and I like the overall aesthetics.”

  • In the LLM Care Health and Social Care Ecosystem for Cognitive and Physical training, all participants were female and scored higher in the cognitive, physical and psychosocial assessments post intervention. Participants also reported a very high level of technology acceptance and system usability.

Two interactive sessions allowed representatives from other large-scale pilots – Activage, Gatekeeper and Pharaon – to share their experiences on the difficulties and best practices in implementing large-scale pilots.


Results from the pilot campaign are also feeding into the establishment of the SHAPES governance model aimed to support and extend active ageing and independent living in old age. The governance model was discussed in a dedicated session of the dialogue workshop, asking the feedback of participants on crucial issues such as potential membership fees for participating organisations or action groups that could benefit the SHAPES network.

To make the workshop accessible to a wider audience, simultaneous interpretation in English, Greek and International Sign was provided together with live captions in English.

For more information on this workshop and on SHAPES, you may contact Vera Hörmann,


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