Doremi project starts first trial in the UK

DOREMI logo smallAfter 2 years of design, implementation and tests, the DOREMI project, in which AGE is involved, has now started to orchestrate active ageing with a first round of trial in the UK. After a clinical evaluation and specific tests carried out under the supervision of Prof. Oberdan Parodi, project coordinator and cardiologist at CNR IFC, everything is “ready to start”.

15 people 65+ have been enrolled in the pilot sites of ExtraCare and ACCORD, to participate to the validation phase in three different villages placed in Shenley Wood (Milton Keynes), St. Crispin (Northampton), and Showell Court (Wolverhampton).

What is in use?

  1. A number of environmental sensors for indoor localization and social evaluation placed in an non-intrusive way directly in the apartments
  2. A smart bracelet as part of the DOREMI project which is able to monitor heart rate, Kilo-calories consumption, step counts and outdoor localization
  3. A “smart carpet” in the form of a Wii-based balance board for daily weight measure and balance assessment
  4. An Android tablet containing all DOREMI apps: the DOREMI fit app (a virtual support for daily physical activity to perform in-house regular activity according to international guidelines); the DOREMI cognitive app (a series of games to support several areas of cognitive function), and the METADIETA dietary app developed in the DOREMI project for English users. Thanks to a visual approach the user can fill complete a personal food diary selecting food types and portions through the images; at the other end medical doctors will remotely check it and if necessary, modify participant’s diet to promote healthy nutrition according to the general guidelines promoted by DOREMI.
  5. An Android smartphone which collects data from the bracelet when the user is away from their apartment. After the baseline data collection phase and a two-week training period to show how the DOREMI system works, users will continue the programme for other two months. During this period, participants will be invited to carry out regular physical activity to play the cognitive games, and to improve their diet according to the new Mediterranean diet pyramid for over 65’s.

Read the article on DOREMI website

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