Best Friend Against Ageism provides learning material for intergenerational activities

BestFriends-logo Best Friends Against Ageism is an EU project aimed to address the isolation of older adults by developing an innovative curriculum for social care workers/volunteers and games that promote intergenerational communication and learning. The project seeks to address the negative attitudes against older adults and ageism which are increasingly becoming a significant challenge of modern eras.

Several tools have been developed to that end. Those include:

Its goal is to teach them about ageism, as well as the importance of intergenerational learning activities, both for older adults and small children (pre-school age). The handbook also provides tips and guidelines on how to organise such activities, while taking into consideration the specific needs of both target groups. Finally, it showcases some good practices, and gives examples of intergenerational learning activities that can easily be implemented.

The toolkit also provides “ready-made” intergenerational learning activities, specifically planned for older adults and pre-school age children.

You can find all the project’s outputs, in English, German, French, Greek, and Latvian, here.

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